Laura JevtichHappiness is A Colorful LifeThe reason this is called Happiness is A Colorful Life, though, has nothing to do with stickers, or PR (public relations or professional…Jun 30, 20211Jun 30, 20211
InILLUMINATIONbyLaura JevtichDo Not Compare Yourself to Others!There is no pointMar 19, 20224Mar 19, 20224
Laura JevtichBig Goal of “Be The Writer”Continuation of Cultivate What Matters Goal PlannerApr 7, 202211Apr 7, 202211
Laura JevtichThe Big Picture: Everyone Ends Up Doing Something GoodLet’s Make What Happens on PurposeMar 24, 20224Mar 24, 20224
Laura JevtichThe Lessons Learned in the Past Six MonthsI Said Yes to Too Many Goals, which was my downfallMar 17, 20226Mar 17, 20226
InBe Open - Writers & Readers PubbyLaura JevtichWhich Three Ideas or Goals to Focus On?Which goals works best for you?Mar 16, 20222Mar 16, 20222
InAbout Me StoriesbyLaura JevtichMy Father’s Birthday, March 10, and Who I Really Am?You see me as Laura Jevtich or LauraNSasha…yet I am more than a name or job.Mar 11, 20227Mar 11, 20227
Laura JevtichSetting Up Your Goals, Habits, Tasks and Important To-DosOnly Three Months into 2022!Mar 10, 20222Mar 10, 20222